CLICK HERE for game video.
Materials: game mat, 2 different colored dice, 6 each of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters
- Create a game board like the one pictured below.
- Take turns placing the 24 coins randomly on the game board.
- Player A rolls both dice.
- Player A forms the ordered pair that the dice show. If there is a coin in this space, he/she takes it. If there is no coin on this space, it is Player B’s turn.
- Player B rolls both dice.
- Player B forms the ordered pair that the dice show. If there is a coin in this space, he/she takes it. If there is no coin on this space, it is Player A’s turn.
- Play alternates back and forth until one player takes his/her sixth coin from the mat.
- Both players count then count their money.
- They player with the most money wins.

- Play until one player has removed coins that total $1.oo. This player wins the game.
- Play until one player has removed 10 coins. Players count money. Player with the highest total wins.