By Jamie Oleka

Seema Sheth’s career path is anything but conventional, weaving through diverse fields and overcoming numerous challenges to land her in the prestigious role of Senior Vice President at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Her story is a testament to the power of adaptability, confidence, and relentless pursuit of one’s passions.

Seema’s professional journey began in an unexpected place—the world of theater. With a background in acting, she honed skills in listening, creativity, and problem-solving, attributes that would later prove invaluable. However, as the 2008 financial crisis unfolded, Seema found herself at a crossroads, seeking stability and new opportunities.

Her journey took a significant turn when she started working at Starbucks in Washington, D.C. It was here that she discovered a passion for business and management. Seema quickly climbed the ranks, moving to managerial roles in Boulder, Colorado, and Los Angeles. 

While thriving in her managerial roles, Seema felt a calling towards the world of finance, particularly in addressing the financial challenges women face. She decided to pursue an MBA, immersing herself in personal finance and learning about the diverse experiences people have with money. This academic pivot fueled her desire to make a broader impact, leading her to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

As a woman in finance, Seema faced the daunting challenge of breaking through stereotypes and preconceived notions. The finance sector often conjures images of a certain archetype, but Seema shattered these expectations with confidence and authenticity. She firmly believes that success in finance is built on influence, genuine connections, and the courage to be oneself.

Drawing from her extensive experience, Seema is a vocal advocate for women’s economic empowerment. She highlights critical issues such as the gender pay gap and the motherhood tax, urging women to be vigilant and proactive in advocating for themselves. Seema also sheds light on the “pink tax,” offering practical advice like purchasing men’s products when they are cheaper to circumvent this unfair pricing disparity.

Throughout her career, Seema has been guided by a network of mentors and sponsors. She emphasizes the distinction between the two, with mentors providing detailed guidance and sponsors advocating for one’s career growth. Seema nurtures these relationships with regular communication and expressions of gratitude, understanding that a supportive network is crucial for professional success.

For Seema, balancing a high-profile career with motherhood is an ongoing balancing act. She critiques the traditional notion of work-life balance, suggesting that it often sets unrealistic expectations. Instead, Seema focuses on work-life integration, setting boundaries, and being present in each moment. She acknowledges that sometimes work takes precedence, while at other times, family needs come first. Her approach involves self-compassion, realistic expectations, and leveraging support systems like daycare and household assistance.

Looking to the future, Seema is optimistic about the evolving role of women in finance. She envisions increased representation of women in influential positions within banking, commercial banking, and wealth management. As women gain more financial power, the industry seeks to hire more female professionals, further diversifying the industry. She encourages women to explore the wide array of opportunities in finance, challenging the notion that the field is solely about spreadsheets.

Seema’s future goals are centered around continuous learning and growth. Rather than aspiring to specific positions, she focuses on developing new competencies every six months. Personally, she is exploring social media and working on a book to channel her creative energy.

Seema concludes with a powerful message to women: take control of your financial lives without waiting for perfection. She emphasizes the importance of intentionality and setting systems in place to achieve long-term goals. Additionally, she highlights the vast opportunities in the finance industry for women and encourages them to consider careers in this dynamic field.By sharing her journey and insights, Seema Sheth hopes to inspire and empower women navigating their careers and personal lives, advocating for a future where women are confident, authentic, and influential in the world of finance.

Jamie Oleka, a wife, girl mom, and a passionate advocate for debt free quality education, has extensive experience in K-12 and nonprofit management having most recently served as a Managing Director at Teach For America. Jamie holds a Masters of Education in Instructional Accommodations from Francis Marion University, Masters of Arts in Teaching, and Ed.S. in K-12 Administration from the University of Louisville.