By Carolyn Holly

I absolutely loved we are talking about a side hustle in this past edition!

First, the term itself makes me think of someone who is willing to do more than just the norm.

Second, it’s what people are creating for themselves on their own.

 Third, it’s bringing in extra dough outside of your paycheck.

I was able to check off all those things a couple of years ago and have found it quite satisfying in helping others and helping myself.

I began my side hustle of coaching people on how to develop a “Personal Brand with Impact” when I was in the middle of a job change. I was at a point in my career that I could do anything I wanted. So, it made sense to me to share all that I had learned after decades in front of the camera as an anchorwoman and a public figure. I did not know how much I was going to be able to help people improve themselves! It was pure joy to see an individual grow into the best person they could be! It was heartwarming, it was energizing and yes, it was rewarding to help others break out of old habits and into someone new!

Today, years later I can tell you this side hustle is still going strong and it is still as rewarding as ever.

So, I encourage you to look at what you could do as a side hustle. How can you partner your passion and your skill? Who knows, you just might make a little extra money at it and I know you’ll find great satisfaction in it as well.