By Jamie Oleka

The holidays, encompassing a range of celebrations from Thanksgiving to New Year’s, hold a unique and cherished place in the hearts of mothers. For us, this time of the year represents more than just festive decorations and seasonal treats; it’s a season of love, giving, and an opportunity to create lasting memories for our families.

As the holiday season approaches, a sense of magic permeates the air. The moment those dusty boxes of decorations are pulled from the attic or basement, a palpable excitement fills the household. The twinkling lights, fragrant pine trees, and colorful ornaments elicit hope, warmth, and togetherness.

Yet, for mothers, the holidays are more than just a time of enchantment. They are a delightful, albeit hectic, mix of joy and responsibility. From the early planning stages to the last dish washed after the holiday meal, mothers play a pivotal role in making the season special. It’s as if we put on our capes and transform into the master planners, gift-givers, and memory-makers of the season. But it’s essential to remember that our homes are not just places filled with holiday trimmings but sanctuaries where the gospel spirit can reside. 

During the holidays, it’s easy to focus on what still needs to be done rather than reflecting on what has already been accomplished. Like I rarely ever think about the foundation or roof of our home. However, the laundry waiting to be done is a different story. It’s similar to how I often seek to work for my salvation rather than resting in the completed work of Jesus. In my home, the completeness and perfection of Christ’s work are awe-inspiring, and it serves as a reminder that our efforts cannot achieve what He has already accomplished. Our work depends on Christ alone, and this realization lifts our eyes from the mess and challenges of life, directing them upward in worship of the One who achieved salvation for us.

The feeling of coming home during the holidays, when the Christmas tree lights are aglow, or you smell your favorite comfort food, is a reminder that we’re home despite the chaos and imperfections. You don’t remember the countertops that need to be wiped down or the laundry that needs to be folded and piled on top of your bed. The sentiment is more like a feeling – like being wrapped in a warm hug.  

Our homes, in their own imperfect way, can offer glimpses of heaven – moments of love, laughter, and shared memories. A blurry glimpse of what will come for those who are safe in Jesus. These glimpses increase our hope and security in our eternal home, the only complete home and the rest that awaits us there. 

Our faith gives us a renewed perspective on life. With the gospel as our guide, we can navigate the holiday season with courage, confidence, and a heart turned toward the people who share our space. Our earthly homes, with all their imperfections and the life they contain, can remind us of the eternal home that awaits us, reflecting a welcoming hope to others.So, this holiday season, mothers, take comfort that the imperfections aren’t what your family will remember but the feeling of love and comfort in the atmosphere you created. Enjoying the holidays with them will be the best part for you all.